(I guess if one is going to be a teacher, he/she should love children—though I must admit I endured my share of sadistically mean teachers causing me to what had compelled them to spend their lives with children.)
I love children because they make me laugh. My niece was hilarious as a kid (and even moreso as an adult). When I was a teacher, there were myriad occasions when a student blurted out something so incredibly funny (usually unintended) that I laughed to the point of tears!
I miss that.
I love children for they are often the best teachers. During my years of teaching I believe that I learned as much from the kids as they learned from me. When reminiscing about students, I invariably remember something about each that I enjoyed or how my life was made better simply by having this child in a class (though I know God brought some into my life just to test my patience—like the year I taught Devin—an extremely gassy 8th grader—whose emissions made our eyes water and had the other students begging me to evacuate the classroom).
Over the years, I have thought back on the many children I have had the opportunity to teach (or know such as church children and friends' kids) and I have sometimes wondered why God brought a particular child into my life—but I know there is a reason—for nothing—absolutely nothing (right down to each name listed on my class roster)—is by chance.
So it is with my sponsored children. Even though "I chose" the children (Kimberly, Eskarleth, and José)—I know there is a reason that God directed our paths to cross.
Immediately upon meeting Eskarleth, I knew one reason why God brought us together. She is very much like I was as a child—in fact both she and José are.
Pushes the boundaries—
If told, “No” she replies, “Sí” …if told, “Sí,” she replies, “No.”
I will enjoy getting to know these two as they grow.
Kimberly, on the other hand, is the opposite of what I was as a child—quiet, somewhat shy. But when she told me that she loves school and wants to be a teacher when she grows up, it wasn't difficult to figure out one reason God brought her into my life. Who better to encourage her in her educational pursuits than someone who has taught? (I was very impressed with her report card for there was NO grade lower than a 98 and most of the grades were 100.) Oh, but she did show a little feisty side as she informed me (through an interpreter), “You must learn Spanish for I want to talk to YOU—not an interpreter!” Ha! Maybe she is more like me than I initially thought!
Each of these children has blessed me already in the short time that I have known them…if you feel so led, I would so appreciate if you would pray for Kimberly, Eskarleth, and José.
The following pictures were taken May 21, 2009, San Pedro Sula, Honduras.