Swine flu!
Just received word that 4 of the 6 projects our group visited in Honduras have been closed because of H1N1. The projects are scheduled to reopen 1 July. Please pray for the children and the projects during this time.
(On my side of the world, Q*atar health officials confirmed its first two cases of the H1N1 virus. There must be some hysteria for I have just received the following text from Q*tel, the Q*atari government Supreme Council of Information and Communication Technology licensed telecommunication service: The Supreme Council of Health denies the occurrence of H1N1 case in a restaurant, and calls for getting information from the right sources.)
Second, KCBI’s Days of Compassion are June 17-18. Please pray that God will bless this campaign and that children will be sponsored. (Check out Compassion’s site by clicking the button on the right of my page.)

I have added more Honduras pictures. You may check them out here!