I have had my head examined many, many times in the past year. I still have that vascular glomus tumor in my right ear. It is attached to the carotid artery and so they cannot operate on it, too dangerous. I have done the radiation stuff and that is all that can be done. I am fine, though. I just have to wait and see if and when it gets to my brain. Last scan showed it pushing against the membrane, but who knows what it will do. I just go on and do my thing. I am too busy to worry about what is going on in my head. ANITA ASIDE: I laughed out loud when I read this line—maybe you have to know Linda—
All my kids are on their own, finally. I thought that I would finally get some peace and quiet.....then.....Lupe got cancer. That big 'C' keeps turning up. He's had a couple of surgeries and is pretty much staying with me so I can take care of him. He begins Chemo and radiation next week. Hopefully, he will be okay. NO, we are not back together. He just needs someone to look after him for awhile.
Please pray for Linda.