spick·et [ spĂkit ] (plural spick·ets)
regional Same as spigot
[15th century. Alteration of spigot]
For those who have pointed out that spicket is spigot—yes, I know (I do have spell check:)) BUT I chose to use the term that was used when I was a kid…
For my OCD friends who couldn’t quite get over the fact that I used the word SPICKET (and one even tried to shame me for using the word)—former English teacher or not—for my friends' sanity, I will henceforth and forever use the word SPIGOT. Regardless if the writing is casual or formal (I just might someday have to produce a business/professional essay or correspondence which requires the use of the word SPIGOT)—I will use SPIGOT!
But more than likely, I will never have to use the word spicket/spigot ever again—unless—of course, I visit another country that lacks indoor plumbing.
In which case, if I blog about it, I shall use the word SPIGOT.
For I would hate for a little spicket to come between friends!
Thanks KK—I truly admire you—for your command of the English language is much better than mine.