Saturday, June 27, 2009



spick·et [ spíkit ] (plural spick·ets)


regional Same as spigot
[15th century. Alteration of spigot]

For those who have pointed out that spicket is spigot—yes, I know (I do have spell check:)) BUT I chose to use the term that was used when I was a kid…

For my OCD friends who couldn’t quite get over the fact that I used the word SPICKET (and one even tried to shame me for using the word)—former English teacher or not—for my friends' sanity, I will henceforth and forever use the word SPIGOT. Regardless if the writing is casual or formal (I just might someday have to produce a business/professional essay or correspondence which requires the use of the word SPIGOT)—I will use SPIGOT!

But more than likely, I will never have to use the word spicket/spigot ever again—unless—of course, I visit another country that lacks indoor plumbing.

In which case, if I blog about it, I shall use the word SPIGOT.

For I would hate for a little spicket to come between friends!

Thanks KK—I truly admire you—for your command of the English language is much better than mine.

Once our eyes are opened, we cannot pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and He holds us responsible to ACT.
