I have not posted much over the last week for I have not been able to get my head around all that has been happening in the United States…
Today, I set that all aside—to think of something else that I cannot fully get my head around—the anguish of my Savior—my Jesus—my GOD—who died an excruciating death to reconcile
ME—a sinner—to my Heavenly Father.
Good Friday—which commemorates the day my Savior shed his blood
for me.
It is impossible for me to fully grasp the suffering of my Savior—and the pain of the Father, as His beloved Son died
for ME—
The picture above does not adequately depict the brutal torture Christ endured (the scourged shoulders and abdomen—the flesh ripped from his body—the bruising and bleeding face—rough iron spikes driven through his hands and feet)—
For the best human depiction will never fully capture nor can my mere mortal brain ever fully understand the agony of my Savior—the throes of pain—the bearing of not just my SIN—but the sin of all sinners throughout history—ending in His cry,
“My God, my GOD, why have You forsaken ME?”
“My God, my GOD, why have You forsaken ME?”Riding in on the bus to go to church, I listened to Pocket Full of Rocks song "At the Cross" and the following played through my head for the remainder of the day:
Oh what a glorious plan. God reaching down to fallen man. To all of us broken, lost, and undone—Hear now as Heaven bids us come—Find MERCY that triumphs over JUDGMENT—find GRACE abounding greater than our sin.
Find MERCY that triumphs over JUDGMENT—find GRACE abounding greater than our sin.
The mercy of God—for me—a despicable sinner—the mercy in Christ suffering a horrible death so I could escape the wrath of God—MERCY triumphs OVER JUDGMENT—GRACE abounding GREATER THAN MY SIN.
Good Friday, yes, indeed, it is GOOD—thank you, my Jesus.