Thinking of other mothers—my college friend, E—who has 13 (yes, that is a double digit!) wonderful kids. God bless her for following the command to be fruitful and multiply.

Karment Callaway's sacrifice is especially great as she has three sons serving our country this Mother's Day.
Duty takes three sons far off; love keeps them close
Karmen Callaway dropped off her three sons at the National Guard Armory in Covington, where teary men and women embraced one last time in early morning light. Karmen was not allowed to linger. Go home, her uniformed sons ordered, knowing that saying goodbye would be especially tough for their mother.
She had felt the sting of this moment before when, just a week after Mother’s Day in 2005, she sent her two oldest sons, Ryan and Jared, off to Iraq. This time, they were taking their younger brother Seth with them, to the unforgiving mountains and valleys of Afghanistan, where they will serve for a year in the same unit, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 121st Infantry Regiment.From Covington, where Company B is based, the Callaway boys left for six weeks of training at Camp Shelby, Miss., in March.
They will deploy later this month. Karmen, 46, is proud of her sons’ love for their country. She knows it is part of their heritage. But there’s no denying today is another Mother’s Day blemished. By longing, anxiety, uncertainty.