Thursday, March 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Jessica!

Happy Birthday Jessica !!!!!!!
I have one sibling, Matty—
And he and his wife Julie have one child, Jessica (born 19 March 1981).
Because I had no children of my own—and she is my ONLY niece—I think I may have spoiled her just a little—because she was so darn sweet and one of the cutest kids ever.
As a kid, she continually made me laugh (saving sesame seeds from a Big Mac bun so she could plant them at home and grow her own buns) and constantly amazed me with her problem solving skills (even though some of her solutions may not have been the best idea—she learned that, yes, even though a pork chop fits nicely into a toaster slot one should not use a toaster to reheat a pork chop).

She has matured into a remarkable young lady—and I am so proud—so incredibly proud of my niece Jessica.

Once our eyes are opened, we cannot pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and He holds us responsible to ACT.
