Thursday, February 5, 2009


To recap—I broke my ankle trail running while on vacation in California.
One of my very best friends proved the depth of our friendship by carrying me out of the park (what a friend!!!!).
After 7 weeks, I have finally begun working out and trying to increase the range of motion in my ankle (my foot is currently like a Barbie doll foot—just sticks right out there and doesn’t move much at the ankle which has produced a very UNATTRACTIVE limp).

Additionally, this entire experience has made my right leg PUNY. (I have taken the liberty to create a new word—punify: to make or become puny; to become of less than normal size and strength; to make weak.)

My leg punified rather quickly after I broke my ankle. (Okay—so maybe it is not such a great word.)

I was extremely surprised not only by how quickly punification—HA!—occurred, but also the degree of punification (though the picture may not capture it, my bad leg is about one-half the size of my good leg).
This did make me think about the many times throughout my life that I have ignored something (whether it be a relationship, my spiritual life, etc.), and then was surprised when it “became weak.” My puny leg has taught me a valuable lesson.

Once our eyes are opened, we cannot pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and He holds us responsible to ACT.
