Thursday, April 30, 2009

LJ on the run...

LJ is starting to! In this picture he was being held back by one of Grandma's colleagues...for LJ wanted to run after his grandma (forget the photo op :)).

Monday, April 27, 2009

Proud member of the N*R*A, and I have never touched a G*U*N.

I am sure that most remember Obama’s election quote about "bitter" small town America who “cling to guns or religion…as a way to explain their frustrations.”

Okay—I am going to use a quote of Hillary Clinton (no, the lake of fire has not frozen over)—BUT—unbelievably, Hillary Clinton summed up many Americans’ feelings with the following quote:

"Americans who believe in the Second Amendment believe it's a constitutional right. Americans who believe in God believe it's a matter of personal faith. Americans who believe in protecting good American jobs believe it's a matter of the American dream. People embrace faith not because they are materially poor but because they are spiritually rich."

I cling to my “religion”—actually I cling to MY HEAVENLY FATHER—who provides me direction, comfort, and hope in this present world. I have never clung to guns—in fact, I have never shot a gun—much less owned one—but today I joined the N*tional Ri*fle Ass*ociation.

Given the fact that I have never touched a gun, why would I join the the N*RA? Simply because I cherish EACH and every one of my Constitutional rights—and exercise these rights.

Will I actually purchase a gun? Not so sure—but I want the RIGHT to purchase a gun—if and when I so choose.

Thomas Jefferson:
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

For those interested, the N*RA is offering a free one-year membership.
Hate tip to The Preacher’s Wife for the free membership information. Thank you.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Crazy Hat...

Results in crazy hat hair!
Have I mentioned that I JUST LOVE THIS BOY????

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Holo*caust Remembrance Day (Yom*Hashoah)

Having taught 8th grade English for years, I spent a lot of time studying the Holo*caust. In fact, I spent an entire week at the National Holo*caust Museum in Washington DC attending the Arthur and Rochelle Be*lfer National Conference for Educators. Only 50 educators were invited, and we had the entire museum to ourselves each morning before it officially opened and each evening after it had closed. Alone, in the quietness of the museum, the exhibits were more horrific, the atrocities more poignant—the experience deeply troubled me—and for months afterwards I was haunted by what I had seen and learned.

Recently, I experienced the same ominous foreboding as I watched the movie The*Boy in the Stripped*Pajamas.

The movie is disturbing—thought-provoking—

No violence—
No profanity—
No nudity—

Yet riveting—and profoundly unsettling.

I would highly recommend it to anyone.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Prayer request.

Prayer request: The United States of AMERICA

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I have to wear a uniform to work (which I really do not mind because it removes all the “what will I wear to work” hassles). And I even have a choice: either a two-piece slacks/shirt ensemble or a powder blue “smurf” jumpsuit. I usually wear the latter—only because it is extremely comfortable (and both choices are hideously ugly—so I will not win a fashion award with either).

Now I have yet another reason to dislike my smurf suit (besides the ugly factor)—URGHHHHH—

Today was one of those days with back to back to back meetings. This morning after one extremely long meeting ended, I figured I could dash to the ladies’ room before the start of the second.

Hurriedly, I unzipped my jumpsuit, pulled it from my shoulders and then heard an innocent “kerplunk.” I did not even have to look—I knew immediately—my mobile phone, which had been in the breast pocket of my jumpsuit.

Because it happened prior to using the facilities—I decided I could to reach into the bowl to retrieve my submerged phone. After wrapping my hand in a trashbag (and ensuring there were no possible leaks), I worked up the nerve to plunge my hand into the water. YUCK! Even though the water looked "clean" and my hand was wrapped, I was still totally disgusted—ewwww.

Then of course I had to send HR a very vague email (and pray that an explanation was not required):

Good afternoon E,

I would be most appreciative if you would send a replacement mobile phone for mine is not working.

I have pulled the SIM card and will send the inop phone to you.

Thank you so much for your assistance with this.



So again—have you ever had one of those days????

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Easter

LOVE THESE PICS OF MY GREAT NEPHEW! (What a brave boy—didn't even cry when being held by some pink furry monster!)
Check out the argyle socks. A little preppy man.

Monday, April 13, 2009


The first email that I read this morning was from my friend—Buck—expressing deep pride in our military. Since I had not yet read the news, I could only infer that it had something to do with the Somali pirate situation. (I am asleep when much of the news breaks Stateside.)

I immediately went to a news link and read:

Hostage captain rescued; Navy snipers kill 3 priates.
Cargo ship Capt. Richard Phillips, right, stands with U.S. Navy Cmdr. Frank Castellano after Phillips' rescue Sunday.
Like Buck, I am extremely proud of the UNITED STATES MILITARY—and especially our NAVY and MARINES…HOORAH!

(Gives new meaning to Easter Seals! :) HA!)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Some of the most beautiful words in the Bible...

He is not here: for he has risen.
Matthew 28:12
May your Easter be as blessed as mine.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The bliss of this glorious thought!

One of my favorite hymns is H.G. Spafford’s It Is Well with my Soul—

I most love the following stanza:
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

How apropos—on Good Friday. Praise the LORD—PRAISE THE LORD, O my soul!

(I listened to the Audio Adrenaline version on my bus ride back to camp. :))

Mercy Triumphs OVER Judgment.

I have not posted much over the last week for I have not been able to get my head around all that has been happening in the United States…

Today, I set that all aside—to think of something else that I cannot fully get my head around—the anguish of my Savior—my Jesus—my GOD—who died an excruciating death to reconcile ME—a sinner—to my Heavenly Father.

Good Friday—which commemorates the day my Savior shed his blood for me.

It is impossible for me to fully grasp the suffering of my Savior—and the pain of the Father, as His beloved Son died for ME

The picture above does not adequately depict the brutal torture Christ endured (the scourged shoulders and abdomen—the flesh ripped from his body—the bruising and bleeding face—rough iron spikes driven through his hands and feet)—

For the best human depiction will never fully capture nor can my mere mortal brain ever fully understand the agony of my Savior—the throes of pain—the bearing of not just my SIN—but the sin of all sinners throughout history—ending in His cry, “My God, my GOD, why have You forsaken ME?”

“My God, my GOD, why have You forsaken ME?”

Riding in on the bus to go to church, I listened to Pocket Full of Rocks song "At the Cross" and the following played through my head for the remainder of the day:

Oh what a glorious plan. God reaching down to fallen man. To all of us broken, lost, and undone—Hear now as Heaven bids us come—Find MERCY that triumphs over JUDGMENT—find GRACE abounding greater than our sin.

Find MERCY that triumphs over JUDGMENT—find GRACE abounding greater than our sin.

The mercy of God—for me—a despicable sinner—the mercy in Christ suffering a horrible death so I could escape the wrath of God—MERCY triumphs OVER JUDGMENT—GRACE abounding GREATER THAN MY SIN.


Good Friday, yes, indeed, it is GOOD—thank you, my Jesus.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I divorce you...I divorce you...I divorce you.

Under Sharia, a man is able to divorce his wife simply by saying, “I divorce you” three times.

21st Century twist—a Saudi man sent his wife a text "informing her she is no longer his spouse"—and the court upheld the divorce.

The obvious question—did he have to send the text three times?

~~The only thing worse is the infamous "Post-It Note" break-up!

Friday, April 3, 2009

I do not normally do these...but I was curious...

I would have absolutely died if it had revealed that I have a SOUTHERN accent (from my years in Texas, y'all!).

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Inland North

You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop."

The Midland
The Northeast
The South
The West
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Well, there you have it—the quiz must be scientifically based for it is dead on. Michigander to the CORE. (Unfortunately, I am picking up some non-American terminology—as a matter of survival. The other day, I asked a sales clerk if he would please to direct me to the “lift” (elevator)! Yikes.)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's Day

It seems the person I “fool” the most is myself…

I refuse to see what is right before my eyes…
I rationalize behaviors (Proverbs 16:2a “All the ways of man are clean in his own eyes...”) that may not be “wrong” but they certainly are not “right”—and I would be better off not doing them. Because I rationalize all my negative behaviors, I often fail to see myself for who/what I truly am.
God's Word provides the truest reflection of what I am...and may I always see that reflection...

Once our eyes are opened, we cannot pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows what we know, and He holds us responsible to ACT.
